Monday, October 7, 2024


Watt: Level 1


Eldritch Trinket: A small trinket that resembled a hand reaching towards some sort of alien apendage. Holding this item reminds a character of the wide expanse of horror they have endured and fills them with courage. Grants resistance to fear type abilities. This item cannot be stolen, but it is usually dropped when the character falls in battle.


(TBA) Electro Dash: Signature Ability. Watt may launch herself forward to strike a foe with an electric tackle. This attack allows her to zip forward up to three spaces, strike the foe, and then move back to where she started (effectively giving this attack 3 range). This attack ignores take the hit. This attack also will damage all characters who are touching the targeted character (and they will be unable to dodge or counter this damage if the targeted character is struck). This attack only strikes once, but it completely ignores defense. Base 500 lightning type damage. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Electro Dash (II): Signature Ability. Watt may launch herself forward to strike a foe with an electric tackle. This attack allows her to zip forward up to three (5) spaces, strike the foe, and then move back to where she started (effectively giving this attack 5 range). This attack ignores take the hit. This attack also will damage all characters who are touching the targeted character (and they will be unable to dodge or counter this damage if the targeted character is struck). This attack only strikes once, but it completely ignores defense. Base 1000 lightning type damage. As a body slam, this attack will now also deal 20% of Watt’s current HP as additional lightning-type damage. Costs: 10 pg

(TBA) Electro Dash (III): Signature Ability. Watt may launch herself forward to strike a foe with an electric tackle. This attack allows her to zip forward up to three (5) (8) spaces, strike the foe, and then move back to where she started (effectively giving this attack 8 range). This attack ignores take the hit. This attack also will damage all characters who are touching the targeted character (and they will be unable to dodge or counter this damage if the targeted character is struck). This attack only strikes once, but it completely ignores defense. Base 1000 lightning type damage. As a body slam, this attack will now also deal 20% of Watt’s current HP as additional lightning-type damage. In the final stage, this attack will reduce resistance to Lightning damage by one tier. It will also deal 2x damage to any foe who is naturally weak to Lightning. It will deal 4x damage to any foe who is naturally extremely weak to Lightning. Costs: 20 pg

(TBA) Bright Child: Signature ability. Watt will illuminate an area around herself with her very bright light. This will cause all tiles within 10 range of her to be treated as daylight. Any concealed characters that enter into this range will be revealed (even during their own phase, making ambush nearly impossible). If Watt passes within 10 range of a concealed character while moving, they will be revealed at the end of her movement. This will also reveal invisible foes within the range, including foes who have the ability Shadow Stealth. Watt may choose at the start of her turn to turn off/on this bright range. Costs: 10 pg

(TBA) Power Shock: This character may use their turn to target an adjacent foe. This ability never calculates accuracy, but it does calculate activation. This ability has a 40% chance to give the foe a paralysis status. This status will cause the foe to suffer -35 speed for 5 turns. This ability also boasts a 50% chance to cause the foe to flinch. This ability has a Costs 2 FP to use. Foes who are naturally immune/resistant to lightning damage are immune to this status. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Mega Shock: This ability requires the character to have the ability "Power Shock" unlocked. This unit will be able to unleash Power Shock as a 4 range AoE. Unfortunately, this status can impact allies as well as foes. "Controlled Power" can prevent this. Costs 5 FP to use. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Turbo Charge: This character may power up an ally. This does not work on mechs or non-living units. The character may also not be boosted by "Empower" while this buff is active. This buff will last for 3 turns and will boost the total damage of the ally by 50%. Costs 3 FP to use. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Live Lighting: If in electrified terrain, this character will heal 20% of its HP at the start of each turn. If this unit is hit by an electric type attack, it will also heal 20% of its HP. This character is immune to lightning type damage. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Lightning Body: If this character is in a electric terrain, they cannot be hit by ranged or area attacks. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Proficiency (II): If this unit uses a single attack type, they may triple that attack type's total damage. Costs: 12 pg

(TBA) Energy-Based Vitality: This character's life is linked directly to the energy level of their suit. As such, they are extremely difficult to damage when they are at full health. When this unit has full HP, they will take half damage from the first enemy who attacks them. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Vicous Discharge: This character must take a turn to charge. After this, instead of attacking, this character may place electrified terrain under itself and five spaces from itself in straight lines going N, E, S, and W. This electrical terrain will take 5% of any character's HP who starts in it or moves through it. It also has a 25% chance to cause an enemy to flinch each time they start in it or move through it. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Static: This unit's body is covered in electricity. Any enemies who start a turn next to the unit will have a 25% chance of flinching, and any enemy units that strike this character with physical attacks (or short melee attacks) will receive 20 lighting-type damage immediately. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Action Command: A special skill granted to those of the Paper Mario Universe. The action command will compare this character's skill to the skill of the opponent. The % chance of activating Action Command will be equal to how much higher this character's skill is compared to the foe. Action Command may trigger on any attack or ability. It will boost the damage of attacks by 50%. Certain types of defensive tactics also use this ability. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Action Command (II): A special skill granted to those of the Paper Mario Universe. The action command will compare this character's skill to the skill of the opponent. The % chance of activating Action Command will be equal to how much higher this character's skill is compared to the foe. Action Command may trigger on any attack or ability. It will boost the damage of attacks by 100%. Certain types of defensive tactics also use this ability. Costs: 10 pg

(TBA) Action Block: When being attacked, this unit may try to trigger Action Command against the foe's individual attacks. When these succeed, this ability will cause this character to reduce the total damage taken by 50%. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Badge Points: This ability will give the character badge points equal to their current pg Level. Badges may be swapped around similar to abilities, as each badge requires a certain number of points to wear. The character *must* have a default badge layout selected; however, badges may be swapped around prior to entering any battle. All badge base damage/defense multipliers stack additively with each other. Costs: 0 pg (Holding any badge unlocks this ability)

(TBA) Flower Power: This ability is accessible to any unit who has any ability that requires FP to use. This unit will have FP equal to half their current pg Level. If this character spends double the FP required to use a move, they will buff its efficacy by 50% (including activation chances and status duration). Costs: 1 pg

(TBA) Heavy Blow (III): This unit sacrifices speed for strength, making it impossible for them to strike an enemy twice. However, this ability will increase the might of normal strikes by 200%. Costs: 16 pg

(TBA) Support: This character becomes stronger when standing side by side with close allies. This buff counts as a conditional ally buff. This buff will be calculated by choosing the adjacent ally who this character is emotionally closest to. If both units have this ability unlocked, the buffs are doubled. The buffs are as follows:
Acquaintance: +1 speed/skill. 1% damage and activation boost. Not buffed by Tentacle Idol.
Friend: +3 speed/skill. 3% damage and 3% activation boost.
Close Friend/Sibling: +10 Speed/Skill. 10% Damage and 10% activation boost.
Spouse: +15 speed/skill. 15% damage and 15% activation boost.
Costs: 3 pg 

(TBA) Chain Attack: An ability used by tight-knit squads. If this character is part of a notable force of three or more who often battle in tandem, they may have access to this ability. If a character with Chain Attack is standing within their own attack range of a foe who is targeted by an ally, they may jump in and strike the foe before their ally does. This strike will only hit once, and it will be 10% of the normal damage of this character. This strike will boast +50 hit. Foes will not counter a chain attack and a chain attack will always strike before Vantage. The damage of a chain attack will be doubled if the unit has the ability “Support” unlocked and is at least a “Friend” with the ally who has triggered the attack. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) For those I must protect: If this unit is within three spaces of a character that they are deeply loyal toward and protective of, they will increase the percent chance of all their activatable skills by 20%. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Lightning Rod: This character is powered by lightning. Being struck by an electrical attack or starting a turn in electrical terrain will boost this character's speed by 5 for the next 3 turns. This boost may stack, but will max out at 35. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Jolt: This character may strike themselves or an ally with this extremely light electrical attack. This can be used to charge certain abilities. It will deal only 20 damage, but if a character has consume energy/lighting it will heal them 20%. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Weapon-Free: Speed-Class exclusive ability. If this character is fighting with no melee or marksman weapon equipped, they will receive a +10 boost to their base speed. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Cute Charm: If this unit has units within five spaces of it that think it is cute, their total attack damage will be doubled. This will usually only activate once. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Baby On A Battlefield: This character is probably far too young to be fighting. This ability will cause most foes to refrain from targeting this character first. However, this unit will take 25% more damage from the first strike in a battle that hits it. Costs: 1 pg

Character Type: Element, Status, Support

Weakness: Weak to capture moves. Foes that have consume energy/energy absorbing abilities deal 4x damage to Watt. Immune to energy and lightning damage. Resists fire damage.

HP: Low
Attack: 500
Defense: 100
Speed: 140
Skill: 135
Move: 8 (Levitating)

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