Saturday, July 6, 2024

Geordi La Forge

Geordi: Level 1
HP: 90
Attack: 4
1 Marksman: 5
1 Energy: 5
Basic Phaser: 300 (304) (309) (314)
Defense: 2
1 Armor: 5
Starfleet Uniform: 300 (305)
1 Shield: 5
Speed: 3
Skill: 3
Move: 5


Basic VISOR: A device that allows Geordi to see despite being born blind. This item is relatively fragile, but it can grant Geordi access to specialized vision abilities. If enhanced, this piece of equipment could allow Geordi to ignore the vision based evasion buffs of enemies.

Basic Phaser: A powerful energy weapon. May only ever strike once. This weapon deals pure energy damage and is boosted by marksman and energy skill and item boosts. 1-3 range. Base 300 might.

Starfleet Uniform: A durable uniform that is surprisingly resistant to wear despite being cloth. Grants resistance to energy, absorb and explosion-type damage. Base: 300 defense.


(TBA) Tactical Deflector Shields: This unit may establish a deflector shield onto the tile they are standing in or into an adjacent space. This shield will be placed on one tile and will defend all allies who are in that tile or adjacent to it. The base might of the shield is 1000 and it will be boosted by the shield and energy skill and item boosts of this character. Doubled Down Defense doubles the number of Deflector Shields. These shields will also halve the damage of all ranged attacks that strike characters standing within the shields. This shield will stay on the map until broken or the battle ends. Deflector Shields may overlap. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Incredible Barriers: The shields, barriers, and armor of this character will not be penetrated by magic, psychic or whip damage the way that most armor and barriers are. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Doubled Down Defense: If this character has access to only two forms of elements used for elemental barriers, they may equip twice the normal number of those barriers. This does require carrying two of the items. Costs: 1 pg

(TBA) Proficiency (II): If this unit uses a single attack type, they may triple that attack type's total damage. Costs: 12 pg

(TBA) Take the Hit: If an allied unit who is adjacent to this unit is attacked, this unit has a 50% chance of rushing forward and switching places with the ally. They will take the damage, and they cannot dodge the blow, however, they may activate defensive skills, and they will be allowed to defend, block, and retaliate as usual. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) For Those We Must Protect: If this character is standing within 2 spaces of an ally that they are very close to and protective of, then it will add 20% to all activation chances (including special attacks and status chances). Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Calculating Fighter: This character calculates the chances of an enemy's victory. This character reduces the activation rate of activatable skills by 30%. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Set Phasers to Stun: This ability will allow the holder to halve the damage of a Phaser blast. However, that blast will have a 60% chance to stun the foe. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Set Phasers to Kill: This ability will allow the holder to double the damage of a Phaser blast. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Transporter: This character may take a turn to set up a large transporter. This transporter may warp up to nine characters at once. A character must stand outside of the transporter to operate it and must be a tech-savvy character to do so. The Transporter may be used once every five turns. All characters warped by the transporter must be warped in the same 3 by 3 formation that they were in while standing on the transporter. Characters may move after being warped. Normal Gravity and anti-teleportation abilities or map rules will prevent a Transporter from working. If a transporter spends one turn charging, it may warp characters onto an adjacent map. Two turns of charge will allow warping onto a map that is two away, etc. A transporter has only 100 HP and is very easily destroyed. There may only be one Transporter on a map at a time. This ability may only be used to create one transporter at a time. This ability may only be used once every 3 weeks. Costs: 15 pg

(TBA) Transporter (II): This character may take a turn to set up a large transporter. This transporter may warp up to nine characters at once. A character must stand outside of the transporter to operate it and must be a tech-savvy character to do so. The Transporter may be used once every five turns. All characters warped by the transporter must be warped in the same 3 by 3 formation that they were in while standing on the transporter. Characters may move after being warped. Normal Gravity and anti-teleportation abilities or map rules will prevent a Transporter from working. If a transporter spends one turn charging, it may warp characters onto an adjacent map. Two turns of charge will allow warping onto a map that is two away, etc. A transporter has only 100 HP and is very easily destroyed. There may only be one Transporter on a map at a time. This ability may only be used to create one transporter at a time. This ability may only be used once every 3 weeks. At second tier, the transporter may select a 3/3 area on one turn. This area must either be on the same map the Transporter is on or on the last map it transported characters to and in the same given battle. On the next turn, it may warp all units standing in that area to the Transporter itself. Costs: 30 pg

(TBA) Hacker: This character may attempt to hack sci-fi technology, including robot characters, weapons, and armor. Successfully hacking has a variety of effects. Sometimes it will break the tech, but often it can convert it into something much more useful. This ability may be used instead of attacking. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Hack Shackle: Before attacking, this unit may choose an adjacent enemy. This unit then has a 2 (+1 per M level energy, +3 per GM) percent chance to hack into the opponent if they are robotic and force them to join their party. Unlike mind dive, this move may be used on as many opponents as this character wants. The effects also last beyond when the battle is over. The control will only be lifted when either the hacked character or the character that performed the hack shackle are defeated. Organic characters are immune to hack shackle. Costs: 5 pg 

(TBA) Analyze: If this character consistently attacks the same foe, they will slowly boost their base skill stat.
If this character misses an enemy, they will boost their skill stat by 15
If the character strikes an enemy, they will boost their skill stat by 5
However, these boosts disappear when this unit attacks a different enemy. Analyze boosts may be negated by stat clearing moves or by putting the character to sleep. Costs 4 pg

(TBA) Strategist: This unit may choose a single first-tier ability held by an enemy unit within 5 spaces. This ability will then be removed until the end of the battle, or until the unit using strategist is defeated. Strategist cannot block strategist. This ability may be used once per enemy. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Strategist (II): This unit may choose two first-level abilities or a single second-level ability held by an enemy unit within 10 spaces. This ability will then be removed until the end of the battle, or until the unit using strategist is defeated. Strategist cannot block strategist. This ability may be used once per enemy. Costs: 8 pg

(TBA) Strategist (III): This unit may choose three first level abilities, a level one and a level two, or a level three ability held by an enemy unit within 15 spaces. This ability will then be removed until the end of the battle, or until the unit using strategist is defeated. Strategist cannot block strategist. This ability may be used once per enemy. Costs: 16 pg

(TBA) Repair: This character may take their turn to repair one piece of their armor, or a weapon, or one of their barriers. Or they may do this to the equipment, armor, or shields of an ally. Costs: 1 pg

(TBA) Repair (II): This character may take their turn to repair two pieces of their armor, or two weapons, or two of their barriers. Or they may do this to the equipment, armor, or shields of an ally. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Repair (III): This character may take their turn to repair all their armor, or all their weapons, or all their barriers. Or they may do this to the equipment, armor, or shields of an ally. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Clever Fighter: This character is careful in battle and warry of his enemy's strengths. This character takes half damage from assault moves, Perfect blows, backstabs, parry reposts, and critical hits. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Gun Breaker: If this unit is battling an enemy who is using a gun/firearm, they will receive 50 to their avoid and 50 to their skill both when attacking and when being attacked. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Gun Breaker (II): If this unit is battling an enemy who is using a gun/firearm, they will receive 100 to their avoid and 100 to their skill both when attacking and when being attacked. Costs: 10 pg

(TBA) X-Ray Vision: This character may see through walls and identify shape-shifted characters. This also doubles the perception range of the character. If this character wishes, they may take a turn to look into a foe and try to find a weakness. This will allow them to target that weakness and deal 20% extra damage to that foe for the rest of the battle. Some foes may have more glaring weaknesses, and if this is the case the damage buff will be 50%. Costs 2 pg

(TBA) Indomitable Ingenuity: Signature Ability. Geordi will approach a problem from any angle and break any rule necessary to secure a solution. Geordi may take a turn to deactivate an item (excluding HP boosting or damaging boosting items) held by a foe. This deactivation will only be calculated vs Geordi or other members of Starfleet. He may do this once per foe. The foe must be within five range. Conversely, Geordi may take a turn to reactivate a deactivated or ignored item on an adjacent ally. This may allow a unit to be helped vs being Exposed or impacted by Blood Droplets. Or he may take his turn to reactivate all components of an ally that have been shut down by an EMP. Costs: 10 pg

(TBA) "You’re Not Just Another Electronic System": Bond ability. Geordi will gain +10 skill, +10% activation, and +50% damage if within 1 range of Data. Costs 5 pg

(TBA) "You’re Not Just Another Electronic System" (II): Bond ability. Geordi will gain +20 skill, +20% activation, and +100% damage if within 1 range of Data. Costs 10 pg

Character Type: Support, Strategist

Weakness: Geordi is naturally blind and requires a VISOR to see. If this item is damaged or removed, he will suffer -100 skill. With the VISOR on, Geordi is immune to blinding and vision-based debuffs.

HP: Small
Attack: 200
Defense: 100
Speed: 125
Skill: 150
Move: 6

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