Thursday, July 11, 2024

Winter Lantern

Winter Lantern: Level 81
HP: 600,000 (1,200,000) (2,400,000) (3,600,000) (5,400,000) (6,210,000)
Attack: 12000
1 Omega Bite: 2000
1 OMEGA Psychic: 2000
1 OMEGA Sonic: 2000
Bite Attacks: 1000 (13,000) (15,000) (17,000) (34,000) (144,500) (289,000) (578,000) (1,156,000) (1,502,800) (3,005,600) (5,635,500)
Defense: 12000 (24,000)
1 OMEGA Armor: 2000
Winter Lanter's Tattered Dress: 1000 (25,000) (27,000) (67,500) (101,250) (202,500)
1 OMEGA Shield: 2000
Sonic Mental Shield: 1000 (3000) (5000) (7000) (52,500) (105,000) (210,000) (420,000) (447,000)
Sonic Mental Shield: 1000 (3000) (5000) (7000) (52,500) (105,000) (210,000) (420,000) (867,000)
Radio Dial Pendant: 100 (2100) (15,750) (31,500) (63,000) (930,000)
Radio Dial Pendant: 100 (2100) (15,750) (31,500) (63,000) (993,000)
Mergo's Feather Pendant: 100 (2100) (15,750) (31,500) (63,000) (1,056,000)
Mergo's Feather Pendant: 100 (2100) (15,750) (31,500) (63,000) (1,119,000)
Sonicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,179,600)
Sonicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,240,200)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,300,800)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,361,400)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,422,000)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,482,600)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,543,200)
Psychicscale Pendant: 20 (2020) (15,150) (30,300) (60,600) (1,603,800) (4,009,500) (6,014,250) (12,028,500) (36,085,500)
Speed: 265 (115) 
Skill: 330 (390) (450)
Move: 7 (9) (4 slow moving)


Ancient Blood: Grants 50% extra HP on top of boosting items to characters with high blood affinity.

4-Mako Energy Cells: Energy generated from life itself. This staggering item will boost the total HP of a character by 25% on top of other health boosting items. This item is hard to steal. A character may carry up to four of these items; however, they are extremely rare.

Centaur Heart: Only one of these items may be held. It will boost the total HP of the holder by 25% on top of all other HP boosts. This item is immediately dopped at death.

10-Heart Containers: A Mysterious magical item. Boosts total HP by 10%. These items may stack but will max out at doubling total HP. Unlike Seraph robes, any character may use a Heart Container.

Clockwise Metamorphosis Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. This item will boost the max HP of the holder by 15%.

Winter Lantern Monstrous Forged Jaws: The numerous hideous jaws of this character allow it to quickly shred foes. When attacking, this character will bite 4x the normal number of times. These jaws add a staggering base 1000 to the bite attacks of this character. These jaws deal psychic/bite damage. The can be improved by Savage Weapon Seals. Now forged with a savage seal, this attack deals 50% more damage when initiating.

Savage Psychic Weapon Seal: This novel item may boost the damage of a melee weapon that is melee/psychic element only. It will double the total damage of the weapon. However, it will prevent any type of augmenting abilities. It will also prevent any items such as pure stones from working. It will not work with odd weapons that have multiple damage types but are boosted by either weaponized body or proficency. This seal is placed on a weapon and cannot be removed during a battle. 

Winter Lantern Monstrous Forged Eyes: Horrific clusters of eyes. This vile forged flesh grants a staggering +60 skill. A blinding status will reduce this buff by 10 until cleared, but multiple blinding statuses could be stacked to fully blind this monstrosity. 

Winter Lantern's Tattered Dress: A vile reminder of what should bring comfort. This dress is frail, but grants immunity to lighting, fire, and saw type damage. Base 1000 defense. 

Drop of Might

3-Wary Stone: -50 speed. This stone will boost the defense of the holder by 50%. A unit may hold up to three of these items. It cannot stack with Atlas Stones. This stone prevents the holder from ever striking twice. This item is rarely dropped.

Trinket of Divine Armor: Increase total Defense by 10% for each GM in Armor; Very Hard to Steal

Miracle Scale: A shimmering scale. Grants the ability “Incredible Barriers” for free.

Necronomicon: A ancient tome filled with an evil, dark energy. Gives the character holding it tremendous power over fear. Double's the effects of fear type moves.

Deep-Sea Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. This item will cause the character to reduces the total HP lost from enemy elemental damage by 10%.

Lake Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. This item will cause the character to reduces the total HP lost from enemy physical attacks by 10%.

Eye Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. This item will add 10 to the looting/thief rolls of the character.

Radiance Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. Doubles the HP granted by blood-based healing items.

Focused Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny black orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will grant immunity to a single hit of defog, null, or similar abilities, along with immunity to unaware, and unaware mental points (along with any other items/abilities that remove conditional stat changes). Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Unaware Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny white orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will allow them to ignore the condition stat buffs of an enemy character three times in a battle. This will cause this character to treat the foe as if the foe had been struck by defog or null. Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Doubled Down Ring: Grants Doubled Down Defense for free. If the unit has the ability, this will allow the character to add up to 4 more additional basic scale barriers. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Dragon Scale Ring: A legendary ring crafted by the Consumed King. This item is easily lost or stolen. Wearing this ring will grant resistance to critical hits, parry-reposts, perfect strikes, and backstabs.

Elite Radiationbite Ring: This rare ring grants extreme resistance to radiation-type damage and the radiation status. This item is easily lost or stolen. 

Poisonbite Ring: This ring is easily lost or stolen. Wearing it causes a character to resist taking the poison status and poison damage in general. 

Blastbite Ring: This ring grants extreme resistance to Explosion Type damage. It also slightly reduces the wear of Explosion-type attacks used against the character holding this ring. This ring is easily lost or stolen.

Pennance Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Whip. Very valuable but also easily lost or stolen.

Mob Boss Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Bullet. Very valuable but also easily lost of stolen. 

Bloody Fist Ring: This ring grants the holder access to the ability “Up Close and Personal” for free. If the character has the ability already unlocked, it will double the buff granted. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Stonesmashers Ring: This unusual and rare ring grants extreme resistance to bludgeon. 

Ring of War: A ring forged in Asgard. Made to protect warriors in the most grueling of battles. Grants extreme resistance to throw and martial type damage. 

Ring of Steel Protection: A ring from the world of the Dark Soul. This rare and valuable item is easily lost and easily stolen. However, it grants the wearer resistance to blade and pierce type damage.

Speckled Stoneplate Ring: A gorgeous and incredibly valuable ring. Wearing this ring grants the character resistance to magic, dark, fire, and lightning type damage. The ring is easily lost or stolen.

Temporal Stone: This extremely rare and valuable item makes a unit immune to time stopping or altering abilities.

Crystal Heart: A beautiful violet crystal shaped like a beating heart. This extremely rare item will heal the holder 10% of their HP at the start of each turn. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Rain-breaker: This small, delicate-looking piece of silk has been deeply blessed. Whenever a character is being attacked by a foe who will strike at them five or more times, the foe will have the total might of their attacks reduced by 50%. This item is easily lost or stolen. 

Blessing of Divine Light: This beautiful drop of gold prevents this character from taking indirect damage, and from being killed by instant-kill abilities.

Pthumeru Chalice: This ancient item will cause the character using it to take half damage from bleed, disease, burn, and poison statuses. This item is easily stolen, but it has an odd habit of vanishing as soon as the character who owns it dies.

Blood Rock: A large solid chunk that forms in coldblood. This uncanny object will increase the damage of bleeding statuses inflicted by this foe by 50%. This object is quite hard to steal and very rarely drops.

Omega Brand

Devilish Destruction Charm

Poms of Power (Sonic, Psychic)

Jaw Stone+Plate

12 Twisted Spoon+Psychic Plate

12 Shrieking Stones+Sonic Plate

Boots+Heavy Duty Boots


Winter Lantern: Signature Ability. Characters who start their turn within ten range of this character will build their chance to frenzy by 20%. Characters will never attack a Winter Lantern when they frenzy. Winter Lanterns themselves cannot be afflicted by the frenzy status. Costs: 11 pg

Feed on The Frenzied: Signature Ability. Winter Lanterns quickly lose their eerie serenity once a nearby character frenzies. If a foe frenzies, the Winter Lanterns will move towards them on their next turn. They will triple their movement in an attempt to reach the character. They will also remove all movement debuffs given by "Slow Moving" style abilities. When they attack the frenzied foe, they will grab them and prevent small or very small foes from counter attacking or using vantage against them. They will deal triple damage to the frenzied character. Costs: 8 pg

Insight Driven Frenzy: Bloodborne world locked ability. Attempting to comprehend the unknowable has risks. If an enemy frenzies within ten range of this character, they will take a bleeding status. If they are bleeding already, it will move them up to the next tier of bleeding (severe, then lethal). If the foe is already lethal bleeding and they frenzy, they will immediately take the % damage a Lethal Bleed status would normally deal (counted as 8 bleed statuses for bloodbath). This ability will not stack with itself. Costs: 5 pg

Deathly Song: This character may hum an eerie tune as they hunt their foes. This will remove all music based buffs of all enemies who are within or move within six spaces of this character. This sound will also cause them to suffer -10 (-20) speed and skill if they are a lower level than this character or have lower HP. This is both a sonic and fear ability. This character may choose to start humming at the start of any of their turns, and it will not take their action to do. If a foe has the ability Music Lover, those buffs will instead be applied to the debuff granted by this ability. Costs: 4 pg

Panic (II): An ability similar to Terror. If a character attacks or is attacked by this character, they will build this Panic by 20% (40%). If they start a turn next to this foe, they will build this Panic by 10%. If this terror builds to 100%, the character will immediately lose 20% (40%) of their HP and receive -30 (-50) skill for the next three turns. If a character spends a turn without engaging this character, they will reduce their Panic build by 20%. This build-up can stack if multiple characters are using it at once. Costs: 10 pg

Unconquerable Fear: The Fear-type abilities of this cannot be resisted. There is no immunity to them. Costs: 3 pg

Terrifying Presence: Fear type ability. Enemies within two spaces of this unit receive -30 (-60) avoid. Costs: 4 pg

Heartstopping Aura: Fear-type Ability. If this character has not attacked this turn, and an enemy unit approaches them, the enemy will be gripped by an unshakable feeling of horror. This ability will cause any enemy that attempts to move within 3 (6) spaces of this character to have their movement completely halted upon coming within range. This ability will only affect an enemy once, regardless of how many units have it. Costs: 4 pg

Slow Moving Defense: This character has incredibly slow movement. With this ability active, this character's movement is reduced to 4 and it cannot be warped or moved by any ability. This character cannot be carried by or moved by an ally. This includes blast back or abilities used by enemies to move this character on the map. However, this ability will double the defense of the character using it. Costs: 5 pg

Slow Moving Strength: This character has incredibly slow movement. With this ability active, this character's movement is reduced to 4 and it cannot be warped or moved by any ability. This character cannot be carried by or moved by an ally. This includes blast back or abilities used by enemies to move this character on the map. However, this ability will double the attack of the character using it. Costs: 5 pg

Slow Moving Skill: This character has incredibly slow movement. With this ability active, this character's movement is reduced to 4 and it cannot be warped or moved by any ability. This character cannot be carried by or moved by an ally. This includes blast back or abilities used by enemies to move this character on the map. However, this ability will increase the skill of the user by +60. Costs: 5 pg

Wary Fighter: This unit may only every attack once in a turn (unless using brave-type weapons). However, this unit may only ever be attacked once in a turn (unless the enemy is using multi-hitting weapons or abilities). Costs: 4 pg

Patient Defender: If this character chooses, they may not counter-attack during the enemy phase. This will triple their total defense. Costs: 4 pg

Bloodbath: For every time this character inflicts a bleeding status or kills another character, they will boost their total damage by 5%. This lasts until the end of the battle. This stacks additively with the Bloodlust buff. Unlike Bloodlust, Bloodbath will max out at a 200% damage buff. Costs: 5 pg

Death Blow: When attacking, this character adds 25% to their attack damage stat. Costs 3 pg

Doubled Down Defense: If this character has access to only two forms of elements used for elemental barriers, they may equip twice the normal number of those barriers. This does require carrying two of the items. Costs: 1 pg

Up Close and Personal: This character always fights without use of range. If this character lacks any sort of attack that can strike at ranged enemies, and is fighting an enemy who has any sort of ranged attacks, this character will boost their total damage by 30%. Costs: 2 pg (Ring)

Jaws of Death: -10 speed and skill. This character may choose to put excessive force into its biting attacks. This will result in doubling the total damage of those attacks, but will also incur a speed and skill debuff. This attack may be used when countering. Cost 5 pg or GM in Bite.

Unbreakable Barrier: This character has mastered the art of defense. All barriers and shields used by this character will be doubled in their total defense. Costs: 5 pg or GM shield

Character Type: Monster, Status

Weakness: Weak to lightning damage. Immune to fear, mental statuses, and strategist. This character's immunity to strategist cannot be altered: it is incomprehensible.

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