Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Shrieker

The Shrieker: Level 79
HP: 714,000 (1,428,000) (2,856,000) (4,284,000) (6,426,000) (8,032,500) (9,639,000) (19,278,000 Sardilic's curse)
Attack: 10,000
5GM Bite: 1000
Heavy Peck: 10,000 (14,000) (15,000) (30,000) (45,000) (135,000) (270,000) (540,000) (594,000) (1,188,000)
Defense: 9000 (18,000) (27,000) (54,000)
Speed: 280 (285) (290) (300) (+10 speed and avoid in light) (+20 avoid)
Skill: 280 (340) (350)
Move: 8 (9) (12 (13) flying)


Sardilic's Curse: Doubles the HP of monstrous entities Sardilic has deemed worthy to be the guardians and nightmares of certain areas. This item rarely drops, though who would want to hold such a thing?

4-Mako Energy Cells: Energy generated from life itself. This staggering item will boost the total HP of a character by 25% on top of other health-boosting items. This item is hard to steal. A character may carry up to four of these items; however, they are extremely rare.

Centaur Heart: Only one of these items may be held. It will boost the total HP of the holder by 25% on top of all other HP boosts. This item is immediately dropped at death.

Ancient Blood: Grants 50% extra HP on top of boosting items to characters with high blood affinity.

Crystal Soul: A bright white crystal. The object looks almost ethereal. This will boost the HP of a character on top of all other HP boosts by 20%. A character may only carry one of these items.

Ancestor’s Bottle: A bottle of strange, green liquid. This will boost the character's HP by 25% on top of all other HP boosting items. Holding this object causes a 5% increase in panic build.

10-Heart Containers: A Mysterious magical item. Boosts total HP by 10%. These items may stack but will max out at doubling total HP. Unlike Seraph robes, any character may use a Heart Container.

The Shrieker's Monstrous Forged Beak++: This beak will double the damage of the ability "Heavy Peck". It will also grant the "Heavy Peck" the ability to trigger "Thief In The Night". Adds 2000 (4000) base might to bite attacks.

The Shrieker's Monstrous Forged Eyes: Horrific clusters of eyes. This vile forged flesh grants a staggering +60 skill. A blinding status will reduce this buff by 10 until cleared, but multiple blinding statuses could be stacked to fully blind this monstrosity. 

Drop of Might

2-Atlas Stone: This incredibly heavy object will reduce the speed of the holder by 50. Howerver, it will also increase their total defense by 50%. A character may hold up to two of this item. This item is very hard to steal.

Trinket of Divine Armor: A small trinket of extreme potency. This item is nearly impossible to steal (5%). It will boost the total defense of the character by 10% for each GM in armor they have. 

White Wolf Fang Neclace: This rare item is easily lost or stolen. It will double the buffs granted by the ability Beast Sense.

Pthumeru Chalice: This ancient item will cause the character using it to take half damage from bleed, disease, burn, and poison statuses. This item is easily stolen, but it has an odd habit of vanishing as soon as the character who owns it dies.

Bracelet of Focus: A small, silver bracelet that wraps delicately around the arm of the wearer. This item will cause this character to reduce the chance of stunning and flinching abilities impacting it by 20%.

Masochist's Nerve Coil: A coil formed from a bundle of nerves and warn on the arm. This grotesque item will halve the likelihood of the wearer being stunned or flinched by pain abilities. This item is quite rare and unfortunately also quite fragile. This item rarely drops (10% rate).

Rain-breaker: This small, delicate-looking piece of silk has been deeply blessed. Whenever a character is being attacked by a foe who will strike at them five or more times, the foe will have the total might of their attacks reduced by 50%. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Temporal Stone: This extremely rare and valuable item makes a unit immune to time stopping or altering abilities.

Triple Cross: A badge proving the highest strategist training possible. Makes this unit immune to abilities like "Strategist" and "Mold Breaker". This item rarely drops, though it is possible to steal it.

Necronomicon: A ancient tome filled with an evil, dark energy. Gives the character holding it tremendous power over fear. Double's the effects of fear type moves.

Philosopher's Stone: Allows this unit to use abilities twice as often as they should be used.

Calculating Charm: A small charm with ancient numbers carved into it. This charm will double the impact of Calculating Fighter. This item is very easily lost or stolen.

Crystal Heart: A beautiful violet crystal shaped like a beating heart. This extremely rare item will heal the holder 10% (13%) of their HP at the start of each turn. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Vicious Silver Pin: A small, needle-like pin that can easily be warn on soft armor, hats, gloves, or other clothing. This pin is used to prick the character holding it at the beginning of a battle. Having this item will cause this character to counter-attack status-based abilities that are normally not countered, such as strategist, expose, taunt, willow wisp, thunder wave, and other abilities of this nature. This will not cause the character to counter abilities that prevent countering, such as critical hits, finish strikes, ambushes, or sweeping blows. This pin is very difficult to steal and very valuable.

Warmth Stone: A gentle, warming stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character being frozen and increase their chances of thawing to 45%. This will also cause them to only suffer a 10 speed debuff from Freezing Aura. This item is hard to steal.

Cleansing stone: A gentle, cleansing stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character taking poison, disease, and radiation statuses. This item is hard to steal.

Chill Stone: A gentle, cleansing stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character taking burn statuses. This item is hard to steal.

Broken Target Necklace: This character will take 30% less damage from all attacks/weapons that have "Slaying" properties if those slaying properties do not apply to it. This item is rarely dropped.

Twinned Seal Ring: This ring will allow the holder to equip two elite weapon seals to their weapons. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Ring of War: A ring forged in Asgard. Made to protect warriors in the most grueling of battles. Grants extreme resistence to throw and martial type damage. 

Pennance Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Whip. Very valuable but also easily lost or stolen. 

Mob Boss Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Bullet. Very valuable but also easily lost of stolen.

Ring of Steel Protection: A ring from the world of the Dark Soul. This rare and valuable item is easily lost and easily stolen. However, it grants the wearer resistance to blade and pierce type damage. 

The Primordial Stoneplate Ring: A legendary item. This ring cannot be stolen, but it always drops when this character falls in battle. This uncanny ring is rumored to have existed since the very beginning of this world. Grants extreme resistance to all elemental damages.

Dragon Scale Ring: A legendary ring crafted by the Consumed King. This item is easily lost or stolen. Wearing this ring will grant resistance to critical hits, parry-reposts, perfect strikes, ambushes and backstabs.

Chloranthy Ring: +5 speed. This ring will remove all speed debuffs acquired from using heavy weapons. However, if the weapons result in movement penalties, these will not be removed. However, this ring will not remove the speed debuffs from heavy weapons if the character using them has activated speed buffing abilities (frenzied blood, berzerk, ferocity, tailwind). This item is easily lost or stolen.

Havel's Ring: A ring belonging to the powerful Knight Havel. This ring lets the character ignore speed penalties that would normally be given by heavy weapons or armor. This item is easily dropped or stolen.

Ancestor’s Candle: 15% damage boost in daylight or bright light. +10 speed and +10 avoid in daylight or bright light. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build. 

Ancestor’s Coat: +20 avoid. This coat may be warn with all other forms of armor. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Handkerchief: -50% to all disease, and bleed status conditions when they are used against this character. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Lantern: This lantern causes the character holding it to be immune to Critical Hits, Backstabs, and ambushes. It also makes all those attacks 10% stronger when this character uses them on a foe. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Map: An ancient, eldritch map. Holding this item will cause 5% more panic build. This item will triple the perception range of the character, and allow them to detect invisible or shape shifted foes within three range of where they start or end their movement. This item will cause the character to escape tackles, holds, nets, and traps twice as quickly. 

Ancestor’s Mustache Cream: Causes this character to halve the impact of all stat debuffs used against it. Also causes all poisoning abilities used against it to suffer a -50% activation rate. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Musket Ball: This intricate musket ball will increase the damage of all ranged attacks by 10%. If the character has the ability “Critical Odds”, it will increase the chance of the Crit by 8%. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Pen: This intricate pen will increase the damage of all 1-ranged attacks by 10%. If the character has the ability “Critical Odds”, it will increase the chance of the Crit by 8%. Holding this object causes a 5% increase in panic build.

Ancestor’s Pistol: This ancient pistol will cause this character to increase its speed by 5 and its skill by 15 when using ranged attacks. Holding this object causes a 5% more panic build.

Ancestor’s Scroll: This ancient scroll will boost the total efficacy of healing abilities by 25%. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic builds.

Ancestor’s Ring: This ancient ring has a burning insignia upon it. It will increase the skill of the character holding it by 10, and will cause them to take 10% less damage from every single attack that strikes them. Holding this object causes a 5% more panic build.

Ancestor’s Tentacle Idol: An incredibly rare trinket. This item is impossible to steal, but is always dropped upon death. This item will build the panic status on a character (5% increase to panic build). This incredible trinket will boost the total damage buffs granted by ally buffs by 20% (adding 20% at the end of any ally boost, 40% if the ally boost is at second tier, 60% if it is at third tier). This object has a 10% chance to allow a character to survive lethal hits.

Molted Tailfeather Trinket: This trinket functions the same as an Ancestor's Trinket. +5 speed. If this unit is not in bright light, it will reduce disease and pain status activation by -33. Holding this object increases panic building on this character by +5%. 

Focused Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny black orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will grant immunity to a single hit of defog, null, or similar abilities, along with immunity to unaware, and unaware mental points (along with any other items/abilities that remove conditional stat changes). Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Unaware Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny white orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will allow them to ignore the condition stat buffs of an enemy character three times in a battle. This will cause this character to treat the foe as if the foe had been struck by defog or null. Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Great Serpent Sacred Fang: A massive white fang. If held by a character, this item will boost pure biting attacks by 50% and cause the biting attacks of the character to ignore abilities such as phase or intangiblity.

Jaw Stone+Jaw Plate

Valkyrie Feather

4-Air Gems



A Thief In The Night: Signature ability. This ability functions in the same way that "Thief" does. However, the Shrieker has a staggering 80% chance to steal any item that is a "trinket" (including Ancestor trinkets). Costs: 4 pg

Shrieking Flight: Signature ability. Four turns after the start of a battle, the Shrieker may choose to flee. If it exits the map, foes will be unable to find it (as it will choose a portal to appear at). When choosing to flee, the Shrieker will triple its movement. It will also unleash a horrific sound as it takes off, causing every foe within ten range to immediately take 100 panic build. Costs: 8 pg

Covetous Heart (II): This character has an extremely good chance to steal up to half of a foe's items. However, they themselves must kill the foe, and their chances of finding items will only be boosted by this ability if they search the corpse on the turn directly after killing the character. At the second level, this ability will allow the character to steal all the items a character is carrying. Costs: 4 pg

Clutch: This unit stays in the fight due to its extreme greed. It will survive one lethal hit for each rare item it has in its possession, whether that item is in its inventory or within 10 spaces of it. Costs: 4 pg

Heavy Peck: This character may alter their biting attacks to be pecks. This makes the damage pierce type damage. This heavy peck gains +30 skill and will ignore half the enemy defense. However, pierce damage deals significantly less wear. Costs: 5 pg

Weaponized Body (III): If this unit uses only pure martial type attacks, then it will increase the total damage output by 200%. Costs: 8 pg

Proficiency (II): If this unit uses a single attack type, they may triple that attack type's total damage. Costs: 12 pg

Panic (II): An ability similar to Terror. If a character attacks or is attacked by this character, they will build this Panic by 20% (40%). If they start a turn next to this foe, they will build this Panic by 10% (20%). If this terror builds to 100%, the character will immediately lose 20% (40%) of their HP and recive -30 (-50) skill for the next three turns. If a character spends a turn without engaging this character, they will reduce their Panic build by 20%. This build-up can stack if multiple characters are using it at once. Costs: 10 pg

Grit: If this unit does not have access to any barriers, their tough nature can help them fight through the wounds they receive. This ability will cause this character to take 40% less damage from foes whenever the foe initiates the attack. This ability will also cause this character to halve the activation of pain statuses used against it. Costs: 4 pg

Gale Rush: This ability is only found on winged characters with high air affinity. Requires 3M air or higher. If the character has this ability, and they are attacked by a ranged foe, each attack the foe performs will allow this character to move three spaces towards the foe. This will eventually allow them to reach and counter the foe. As soon as they reach the foe, they will execute their entire counter-attack immediately. This ability will also allow the foe to chase down enemies with abilities such a Dodge Roll, and will allow the character to move back towards a foe who has thrown them or blasted them back. This ability only works if the character is flying when they are attacked.  Costs: 4 pg

Ferocity: Beast only ability. This unit may activate this ability once a day. The unit may activate this ability at the beginning of its turn, and may then continue into an attack in the same turn. When this ability is activated, this unit's speed increases by 40. It also adds 50% to the total might of all its physical attacks. However, it will reduce its total skill by 20. This mode lasts for three turns. Costs: 5 pg

Beast Sense: This character has extremely sharp senses, allowing an uncanny ability to read and react to the enemy's slightest movements. This ability allows this character to add 15% (30) to any dodge, hit, or skill activation chance once every two turns (every turn). Costs: 3 pg

Calculating Fighter: This character calculates the chances of an enemy's victory. This character reduces the activation rate of activatable skills by 30% (60%). Costs: 6 pg

Weapon-Free: Speed-Class exclusive ability. If this character is fighting with no melee or marksman weapon equipped, they will receive a +10 boost to their base speed. Costs: 2 pg

Jaws of Death: -10 speed and skill. This character may choose to put excessive force into its biting attacks. This will result in doubling the total damage of those attacks, but will also incur a speed and skill debuff. This attack may be used when countering. Cost 5 pg or GM in Bite.

Character Type: Monster, Beast, Thief, Stealth

Weakness: Weak to taking the bleeding status. Immune to poison and disease. As a wandering monster of Darkness, this creature will double its HP, Damage, and Defense if fought along the path to the mountain. This unit is immune to the ability "Panic"

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