Thursday, July 25, 2024

Miquella The Kind

Miquella: Level 77
HP: 360,000 (1,080,000 Heart Containers) (2,592,000 Mako Cells) (3,369,600 Crystal Heart) (4,548,960 Bottle) (7,278,336 Centaur Heart+Soul) (9,461,837 Rune Arc) 
Attack: 7,500
5GM Magic: 1,000
5GM Light: 1,000
Ring of Light: 500 (8,000) (8,800) (10,400) (11,400) (12,400) (13,400) (107,200) (214,400) (428,800) (557,440) (724,972) (869,606) (1,739,213)
Defense: 7,000
5GM Armor: 1,000
5GM Shield: 1,000
Sage Robe Barrier: 150 (1,150) (2,150) (16,125) (32,250) (64,500)
Light Spirit Shield: 1,000 (2,000) (3,000) (4,000) (30,000) (60,000) (120,000) (240,000) {330,000}
Light Spirit Shield: 1,000 (2,000) (3,000) (4,000) (30,000) (60,000) (120,000) (240,000) {570,000} 
Seathscale Pendant: 100 (1,100) (8,250) (16,500) (33,000) {603,000}
Seathscale Pendant: 100 (1,100) (8,250) (16,500) (33,000) {636,000}
Serpentscale Pendant: 100 (1,100) (8,250) (16,500) (33,000) {669,000}
Serpentscale Pendant: 100 (1,100) (8,250) (16,500) (33,000) {702,000}
Magicscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {732,600}
Magicscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {763,200}
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {793,800}
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {824,400}
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {855,000}
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {885,600} 
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {916,200}
Lightscale Pendant: 20 (1,020) (7,650) (15,300) (30,600) {946,800} [1,893,600] (2,840,400)
Speed: 230 (235) (+20 Avoid)
Skill: 260 (270)
Move: 5 (6)

Crown of the Dark Sun: A potent crown. Requires the wearer to be a master in light, magic, and armor skill weapons. This crown will boost the magic and light damage of this character by 50%.

Sage Robes: Fragile but potent magical robes. These robes grant a barrier that is boosted by Magic-type skill and item bonuses. Defends against Magic and Psychic. Grants 150 Defense.

Ancestor's Will: Boosts all droppable HP boosts by 10%; Very Easily Dropped.

Ancestor’s Bottle: A bottle of strange, green liquid. This will boost the character’s HP by 25% on top of all other HP boosting items. Holding this object causes a 5% increase in panic build.

4- Mako Cells: +25% HP on top of HP Boosts; Very Hard to Steal

Centaur Heart: +25% (+35%) HP on top of HP Boosts; Stacks with Centaur Soul; Lost upon death

Centaur Soul: +25% (+35%) HP on top of HP Boosts; Stacks with Centaur Heart; Lost upon death

Crystal Soul: A bright white crystal. The object looks almost ethereal. This will boost the HP of a character on top of all other HP boosts by 20%. A character may only carry one of these items.

10- Heart Container: +10% (+20%) HP, up to x2 (x3)

Ancestor’s Coat: +20 avoid. This coat may be warn with all other forms of armor. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Lantern: This lantern causes the character holding it to be immune to Critical Hits, Backstabs, and ambushes. It also makes all those attacks 10% stronger when this character uses them on a foe. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Mustache Cream: Causes this character to halve the impact of all stat debuffs used against it. Also causes all poisoning abilities used against it to suffer a -50% activation rate. Holding this object causes a 5% increase to panic build.

Ancestor’s Ring: This ancient ring has a burning insignia upon it. It will increase the skill of the character holding it by +10, and will cause them to take 10% less damage from every single attack that strikes them. Holding this object causes a 5% more panic build.

Lake Caryll Rune: A rune carved into the mind of a character. Impossible to lose or steal unless the foe mind-dives this character. This item will cause the character to reduce the total HP lost from enemy physical attacks by 10%.

Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring: A ring that boosts the damage of spells using a catalyst by 30%.

Blastbite Ring: This ring grants extreme resistance to Explosion-type damage. It also slightly reduces the wear of Explosion-type attacks used against the character holding this ring. This ring is easily lost or stolen.

Bloodbite Ring: This ring is easily lost or stolen. It grants resistance to taking the bleeding status as well as resistance to blood-type damage.

Chloranthy Ring: +5 speed. This ring will remove all speed debuffs acquired from using heavy weapons. However, if the weapons result in movement penalties, these will not be removed. However, this ring will not remove the speed debuffs from heavy weapons if the character using them has activated speed buffing abilities (frenzied blood, berzerk, ferocity, tailwind, overheat). This item is easily lost or stolen.

Doubled Down Ring: Grants Doubled Down Defense for free. If the unit has the ability, this will allow the character to add up to 4 more additional basic scale barriers. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Dragon Scale Ring: A legendary ring crafted by the Consumed King. This item is easily lost or stolen. Wearing this ring will grant resistance to critical hits, parry-reposts, perfect strikes, ambushes and backstabs.

Elite Flamebite Ring: A ring from the world of the Dark Soul. Grants extreme resistance to fire-type damage. This ring will also halve the chance for this character to burn.

Elite Frostbite Ring: A ring from the world of the Dark Soul. Grants extreme resistance to ice-type damage. This ring will also halve the chance for this character to freeze, as well as increase their thaw chance by 15%.

Godly Miracle Ring: If this ring is worn by a Deific Character it will grant the ability "Miracle" for free.

Mob Boss Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Bullet. Very valuable but also easily lost of stolen.

Pennance Ring: A ring that grants extreme resistance to Whip. Very valuable but also easily lost or stolen.

Poisonbite Ring: This ring is easily lost or stolen. Wearing it causes a character to resist taking the poison status and poison damage in general. 

Priestess Ring: This ring will improve the damage of light and sacred-type attacks by 20%. 

Ring of Steel Protection: A ring from the world of the Dark Soul. This rare and valuable item is easily lost and easily stolen. However, it grants the wearer resistance to blade and pierce-type damage.

Ring of the Sun's Firstborn: A ring that Gwyn once gave his son, but that was lost in the ages past. This ring is easily stolen or dropped but boosts total miracle damage by 30%.

Ring of War: A ring forged in Asgard. Made to protect warriors in the most grueling of battles. Grants extreme resistance to throw and martial-type damage. 

Speckled Stoneplate Ring: A gorgeous and incredibly valuable ring. Wearing this ring grants the character resistance to magic, dark, fire, and lightning-type damage. The ring is easily lost or stolen

Stonesmashers Ring: This unusual and rare ring grants extreme resistance to bludgeon. 

Analyst Medallion: This beautiful medallion is given to masterful strategists. It is easily lost or stolen. It grants the ability “Analyze” for free. However, if using this item, the character cannot use the item “Analyst’s Mark”. 

2-Atlas Stone: This incredibly heavy object will reduce the speed of the holder by 50. However, it will also increase their total defense by 50%. A character may hold up to two of this item. This item is very hard to steal.

Blessing of Divine Light: This beautiful drop of gold prevents this character from taking indirect damage, and from being killed by instant-kill abilities.

Bracelet of Focus: A small, silver bracelet that wraps delicately around the arm of the wearer. This item will cause this character to reduce the chance of stunning and flinching abilities impacting it by 20%.

Chill Stone: A gentle, cleansing stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character taking burn statuses. This item is hard to steal.

Cleansing Stone: A gentle, cleansing stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character taking poison, disease, and radiation statuses. This item is hard to steal.

Crystal Heart: A beautiful violet crystal shaped like a beating heart. This extremely rare item will heal the holder 10% of their HP at the start of each turn. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Holy Charm: This item is very blessed. As long as the holder is pious, this item will buff the chance of Miracle activating by 20%.

Kind Gold Pin: If worn by a kind character, this item has a high chance to cause foes to struggle to attack them. This will cause foes to deal half damage on their first engagement with this character depending on their personality.

Parabola Charm: This item will cause damage types that normally ignore barriers to ignore half of the currently intact barriers of the foe. this will be performed by counting barriers and ignoring the bottom half. This item is rarely lost or stolen.

Philosopher's Stone: Allows this unit to use abilities twice as often as they should be used.

Rain-breaker: This small, delicate-looking piece of silk has been deeply blessed. Whenever a character is being attacked by a foe who will strike at them five or more times, the foe will have the total might of their attacks reduced by 50%. This item is easily lost or stolen.

Temporal Stone: This extremely rare and valuable item makes a unit immune to time stopping or altering abilities.

Trinket of Divine Armor: A small trinket of extreme potency. This item is nearly impossible to steal (5%). It will boost the total defense of the character by 10% for each GM in armor they have.

Triple Cross: A badge proving the highest strategist training possible. Makes this unit immune to abilities like "Strategist" and "Mold Breaker". This item rarely drops, though it is possible to steal it.

Warmth Stone: A gentle, warming stone. This rare enchanted item is crafted by ancient wizards. This item will halve the chance of this character being frozen and increase their chances of thawing to 45%. This will also cause them to only suffer a 10 speed debuff from Freezing Aura. This item is hard to steal.

(TBA) OMEGA Brand: This brand allows a character to become Omega even if another character is the True Omega. This brand cannot be stolen. This brand allows the holder to climb up to 5 OMEGA Skill.

Calm Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny blue orb. When placed into the brain of a character, it will double the buffs of Calm Based statuses. This includes Deep Breath and Calm Mind. It will also allow the unit to use Calm Mind as many times as it wishes per battle. Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Unaware Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny white orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will allow them to ignore the condition stat buffs of an enemy character three times in a battle. This will cause this character to treat the foe as if the foe had been struck by defog or null. Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

(TBA) Focused Mental Point: A very small speck of highly condensed psychic energy. This looks like a tiny black orb. When placed into the brain of a psychic character, it will grant immunity to a single hit of defog, null, or similar abilities, along with immunity to unaware, and unaware mental points (along with any other items/abilities that remove conditional stat changes). Impossible to steal unless the foe enters this character's mind.

Devilish Destruction Charm

MagicLight Poms

12-Magic Crystal+Magic Plate

24- Day Pearls + Light Plate
Light Spirit Shield

Seathscale, Great Serpentscale Pendants

Magicscale, Lightscale Pendant

Chosen Consort (III): Signature ability. Once per battle, Miquella may choose an adjacent deific character. He may then climb upon their back and empower them massively. This chosen consort will receive double ally boosts from Miquella. They will also increase their attack, defense and HP by 50% (100%). At second tier they will also increase their movement by +5 (+8) and be able to pass through foes, and will have their speed/skill stat increased by +40 (+50). Each time the consort attacks, Miquella will attack with his basic light spells. Foes can choose to counter Miquella or his Consort. Miquella’s and the Consorts attacks will take both Miquella’s and his consort’s speed and skill into account for their attacks. Miquella may choose not to attack, but he can still be countered. This ability will also activate the ability “Til Death Do Us Part” for the consort and Miquella. Costs: 28 pg

Shrive Clean (III): -40 hit. Signature Ability. Miquella (or his consort) may attempt to land a special form of choke on an adjacent foe. If this ability lands, the foe will be marked with a golden charm. The foe will not counter and Miquella will whisper promises of grace to the foe. After being marked, if the character is struck with this ability again, they will have a 100% chance to have their “Heart Stolen”. This is a form of mind control, causing the character to feel extreme love towards Miquella. This prevents them from ever attacking Miquella or his Consort. This status lasts after the battle. However, as this is mind control and an emotion based status, some characters are resistant or immune. This ability may be used once every 2 turns (cooldown shared by Consort). At third tier, this ability reduces resistances to it activating by two tiers. Miquella may also choose to take his turn to switch a Heart Stolen character to his new Consort. As his Consort, the character will lose all free will until Miquella is killed. Costs: 32 pg 

Empower: This unit may take a turn to empower all ally units within 3 spaces of it. This will boost those character's total attack damage by 50% for the remainder of their turn. Costs: 4 pg

For Those We Must Protect: If this character is standing within 2 spaces of an ally that they are very close to and protective of, then it will add 20% to all activation chances (including special attacks and status chances). Costs: 2 pg

Inspiration: Ally units within two spaces of this character receive +10 speed, +10 skill, and have a 25% boost to their total attack damages. Costs: 4 pg

Support: This character becomes stronger when standing side by side with close allies. This buff counts as a conditional ally buff. This buff will be calculated by choosing the adjacent ally who this character is emotionally closest to. If both units have this ability unlocked, the buffs are doubled. The buffs are as follows:
Acquaintance: +1 speed/skill. 1% damage and activation boost. Not buffed by Tentacle Idol.
Friend: +3 speed/skill. 3% damage and 3% activation boost.
Close Friend/Sibling: +10 Speed/Skill. 10% Damage and 10% activation boost.
Spouse: +15 speed/skill. 15% damage and 15% activation boost.
Costs: 3 pg 

Holy Magic (II): This character will add their light type skill and boosts to most spells. This includes spells like Soulmass, Soul Spear, and Soul Arrow. It will not add light to dark type spells. The total damage of these spells will be doubled. This ability will also cause the spells to be considered miracles and sorceries. Costs: 4 pg

Miquella's Ring of Light Miracle: The user casts a powerful ring of light. Base 500 light/magic type damage. This ring of light is 1-2 range. It may only strike once, regardless of speed. If this attack is used at one range, the ring of light will loop around and strike foes behind their shields and barriers. If used at 2 range, it will gain +50 hit and ignore abilities like Dodge Roll and Teleport Dodge. The ability Holy Magic will add the Light Skill damage boosts to the base might of this attack a second time and double this Miracle's damage as if it were a normal sorcery. Costs: 5 pg

Analyze: If this character consistently attacks the same foe, they will slowly boost their base skill stat.
If this character misses an enemy, they will boost their skill stat by 15
If the character strikes an enemy, they will boost their skill stat by 5
However, these boosts disappear when this unit attacks a different enemy. Analyze boosts may be negated by stat clearing moves or by putting the character to sleep. Costs 4 pg (Medallion)

Miracle: This unit has a 20% (40%) chance to survive a lethal strike from an enemy. It will survive with 1HP if this activates. Costs: 4 pg (Godly Miracle Ring)

Til' Death Do Us Part: This character has married another. When standing adjacent to the character that this character has married, both units will receive a 25% (50%) boost to their total defense, and a +20 (+40) boost to their avoid. Costs: Marriage

(TBA) Razing Magic: The magical blasts of this character are potent enough to raze a city to the ground. Once a battle, this character may fire off a blast of magic. This blast has a range of 10, and when it strikes a tile it will have an area effect that strikes all tiles within eight spaces. This attack may not be dodged. The magic burst is so powerful, the character who fires this attack may be hurt by it if they are caught in the blast themselves. This attack has a base 200 magic type might. This attack is considered a spell. If this character takes a turn to charge, this attack will deal double damage. Costs: 7 pg

(TBA) Renewal: Holy Ability. This character will heal 20% at the start of their turn. However, being struck by sacred damage prevents this autohealing. The character using this ability must be both pure and pious. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Chosen Consort: Signature ability. Once per battle, Miquella may choose an adjacent deific character. He may then climb upon their back and empower them massively. This chosen consort will receive double ally boosts from Miquella. They will also increase their attack and HP by 50%. Each time the consort attacks, Miquella will attack with his basic light spells. Foes can choose to counter Miquella or his Consort. Miquella’s and the Consorts attacks will take both Miquella’s and his consort’s speed and skill into account for their attacks. Miquella may choose not to attack, but he can still be countered. This ability will also activate the ability “Til Death Do Us Part” for the consort and Miquella. Costs: 7 pg

(TBA) Chosen Consort (II): Signature ability. Once per battle, Miquella may choose an adjacent deific character. He may then climb upon their back and empower them massively. This chosen consort will receive double ally boosts from Miquella. They will also increase their attack and HP by 50%. At second tier they will also increase their movement by +5 and be able to pass through foes, and will have their speed stat increased by +40. Each time the consort attacks, Miquella will attack with his basic light spells. Foes can choose to counter Miquella or his Consort. Miquella’s and the Consorts attacks will take both Miquella’s and his consort’s speed and skill into account for their attacks. Miquella may choose not to attack, but he can still be countered. This ability will also activate the ability “Til Death Do Us Part” for the consort and Miquella. Costs: 14 pg

(TBA) Chosen Consort (III): Signature ability. Once per battle, Miquella may choose an adjacent deific character. He may then climb upon their back and empower them massively. This chosen consort will receive double ally boosts from Miquella. They will also increase their attack, defense and HP by 50% (100%). At second tier they will also increase their movement by +5 (+8) and be able to pass through foes, and will have their speed/skill stat increased by +40 (+50). Each time the consort attacks, Miquella will attack with his basic light spells. Foes can choose to counter Miquella or his Consort. Miquella’s and the Consorts attacks will take both Miquella’s and his consort’s speed and skill into account for their attacks. Miquella may choose not to attack, but he can still be countered. This ability will also activate the ability “Til Death Do Us Part” for the consort and Miquella. Costs: 28 pg

(TBA) Shrive Clean: -40 hit. Signature Ability. Miquella (or his consort) may attempt to land a special form of choke on an adjacent foe. If this ability lands, the foe will be marked with a golden charm. The foe will not counter and Miquella will whisper promises of grace to the foe. After being marked, if the character is struck with this ability again, they will have a 100% chance to have their “Heart Stolen”. This is a form of mind control, causing the character to feel extreme love towards Miquella. This prevents them from ever attacking Miquella or his Consort. This status lasts after the battle. However, as this is mind control and an emotion based status, some characters are resistant or immune. This ability may be used once every 3 turns (cooldown shared by Consort) Costs: 8 pg

(TBA) Shrive Clean (II): -40 hit. Signature Ability. Miquella (or his consort) may attempt to land a special form of choke on an adjacent foe. If this ability lands, the foe will be marked with a golden charm. The foe will not counter and Miquella will whisper promises of grace to the foe. After being marked, if the character is struck with this ability again, they will have a 100% chance to have their “Heart Stolen”. This is a form of mind control, causing the character to feel extreme love towards Miquella. This prevents them from ever attacking Miquella or his Consort. This status lasts after the battle. However, as this is mind control and an emotion based status, some characters are resistant or immune. This ability may be used once every 2 turns (cooldown shared by Consort). At second tier, this ability reduces resistances to it activating by one tier. Costs: 16 pg 

(TBA) Shrive Clean (III): -40 hit. Signature Ability. Miquella (or his consort) may attempt to land a special form of choke on an adjacent foe. If this ability lands, the foe will be marked with a golden charm. The foe will not counter and Miquella will whisper promises of grace to the foe. After being marked, if the character is struck with this ability again, they will have a 100% chance to have their “Heart Stolen”. This is a form of mind control, causing the character to feel extreme love towards Miquella. This prevents them from ever attacking Miquella or his Consort. This status lasts after the battle. However, as this is mind control and an emotion based status, some characters are resistant or immune. This ability may be used once every 2 turns (cooldown shared by Consort). At third tier, this ability reduces resistances to it activating by two tiers. Miquella may also choose to take his turn to switch a Heart Stolen character to his new Consort. As his Consort, the character will lose all free will until Miquella is killed. Costs: 32 pg  ” 

(TBA) Holy Magic: This character will add their light type skill and boosts to most spells. This includes spells like Soulmass, Soul Spear, and Soul Arrow. It will not add light to dark type spells. Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Soul Spear: +5 Hit. This magic attack has a base 200 magic might. This attack may only strike twice per turn. It is enhanced by a catalyst. 1-2 range. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Soul Spear (II): +15 hit. This magic attack has a base 500 magic type might. This attack may strike up to four times per engagement (based on speed). 1-4 range. Costs: 8 pg

(TBA) Calm Mind: This character may take a turn to boost its defense and elemental attacks. However, if the character is struck while on the turn it performs this ability, it will lose focus and the boost will fail. This ability will boost element attacks and total defense by 25%. This ability may only be used 5 times during a battle. This ability will max out at doubling the stats it improves. This boost lasts for 3 turns. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Calm Refresh: If this character has activated Calm Mind, they will refresh two barriers/shields at the start of each turn. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Enfeeble: This deadly status may be cast at any foe within 5 range. It has a 70% chance to succeed. If this status succeeds it will remove all the benefits granted by Inhuman Strength, Havel Rings, and Chloranthy Rings. This status will last for two turns. This ability may be used twice (four) a battle. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Expose: Instead of attacking, this unit may choose one adjacent enemy. This enemy will have all its innate and item generated resistances and immunities removed for the next 4 turns. This will not remove resistances and immunities that are the result of abilities; those must be removed by Strategist. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) For Those We Must Protect: If this character is standing within 2 spaces of an ally that they are very close to and protective of, then it will add 20% to all activation chances (including special attacks and status chances). Costs: 2 pg

(TBA) Heal: Gives this unit a "Heal" staff. This item may be used 5 times in a battle. Instead of attacking, this unit may take a turn to heal an ally 40% of their HP. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Heal Pulse: Three times a battle, this character may unleash a wave of magic that will heal all ally and friendly units within two spaces of it 40% of their max HP. Costs: 4 pg

(TBA) Doubled Down Defense: If this character has access to only two forms of elements used for elemental barriers, they may equip twice the normal number of those barriers. This does require carrying two of the items. Costs: 1 pg

(TBA) Calculating Fighter: This character calculates the chances of an enemy's victory. This character reduces the activation rate of activatable skills by 30%. Costs: 6 pg

(TBA) Charisma: This character is extremely charming. Any enemy units that might find this unit charming immediately have their total attack damage halved when trying to strike this foe. This ability starts slowly, but it increases in its likelihood to activate the more turns this character spends near the enemy. It does not affect the might of an enemy's counter-attack. It is surprisingly effective against certain units. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Serene Aura: This character has a subtle grace that can easily fill an enemy with wonder. This ability works like Seductive Presence, only affecting certain characters, but it is generally more affective. This ability will drop the speed and skill of any character who is affected by it by 30 if they attempt to attack this character. If this character attacks the foe, the ability will not work. Costs: 3 pg

(TBA) Clever Sibling: This character uses his smarts to try and protect his sibling. If he is within two spaces of Boromir, both characters will receive a 100% boost to their total defense. They will also take half damage from activated abilities. This can stack with Clever Fighter. Costs: 5 pg

(TBA) Clever Sibling (II): This character uses his smarts to try and protect his sibling. If he is within two spaces of Link, both characters will receive a 100% (200%) boost to their total defense. They will also take half damage from activated abilities. This can stack with Clever Fighter. Costs: 10 pg

Character Type: Deific, World-Breaker, Support

Weakness: Extreme weakness to fire damage. Messmer Flames, Black Flame miracles, and all other forms of Dark/Fire abilities deal 2x damage to Miquella (not including melee weapons that happen to deal dark/fire damage). Immune to mind control, charisma, and charming abilities. Extremely resists light damage.

HP: Low
Attack: 600
Defense: 100
Speed: 130
Skill: 160
Move: 5

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