Monday, August 19, 2024


Ghoul: Level 56
HP: 127,680 (255,369 1UP+Draught of Life) 
Attack: 1000
5GM Claw: 1000 (2000)
5GM Throw: 1000
Claw Attack: 1000 (3000) (6000) (18,000) (54,000) (81,000) (101,250)
Skull Toss: 1000 (2000) (3000) (6000) (12,000) (36,000) (45,000)
Defense: 1000 (2000)
5GM Armor: 1000
Ghoulish Skull Armor: 2000 (3000) (5000)
Speed: 165
Skill: 130
Move: 7


Ghoulish Skull Armor: This armor can only be worn by an undead character. However, it is very sturdy and grants 2000 defense. It also grants the ability "Grit" for free. 

10-Large Skulls: A heavy skull that can be thrown with the ability "Strong Throw". This skull boasts 1000 base might and deals pure bludgeon damage. Its damage is boosted by the Throw skill of the character. This projectile can be used alongside and will triple the activation of "Stunning Blows".

Drop of Might

Claw Stone+Plate

Heavy Stone+Plate

Pure Stone


Paralyzing howl: Any enemy units within three (4) spaces of this character have a chance of being paralyzed for one turn by fear. This move can be used once every other turn, and it takes a turn to activate. Any enemies nearby have a 50% of flinching and missing their turn. An enemy may not be flinched 2 turns in a row by this ability. Requires: 3 pg

Horrific Howl: Ghoul ability. This ability will activate at the same time as the ability "Paralyzing Howl". It will increase the range of Paralyzing Howl by +1. All foes within range of this howl will take the Horror status for three turns. Horror will cause a character to build 10% Panic at the start of each turn for three turns. Horror can stack, and each Horror resets the three turn cooldown. This howl will also have a 5% chance to give the foe a disease called "The Worries". This disease can only be cured by Pure, and it will remain after a battle. The Worries will increase the impact of fear abilities vs the victim by x1.5. This howl will remove and lock bright light based buffs from anyone who is caught within it for 3 turns. Costs: 6 pg

Panic (II): An ability similar to Terror. If a character attacks or is attacked by this character, they will build this Panic by 20%. If they start a turn next to this foe, they will build this Panic by 10%. If this terror builds to 100%, the character will immediately lose 20% (40%) of their HP and receive -30 (-50) skill for the next three turns. If a character spends a turn without engaging this character, they will reduce their Panic build by 20%. This build-up can stack if multiple characters are using it at once. Costs: 10 pg

Strong Throw: Skill -5. The character chooses an adjacent small or very small enemy. They then attack them. If they land a blow, instead of attacking, the character may throw their enemy a space away. If the enemy falls in dangerous terrain, they will immediately take the negative effects. Characters may not block a throw. Any skill level damage for throwing will be added to the character who has been thrown, regardless of their defense. Costs 2 pg

Weaponized Body (III): If this unit uses only pure martial type attacks, then it will triple the total damage output. Costs: 8 pg

Proficiency (II): If this unit uses a single attack type, they may triple that attack type's total damage. Costs: 12 pg

Tough Claws: This unit's claws are as hard as diamond. They give heavy weapon and armor wear with every blow, and this ability doubles the claw skill damage bonuses. It will also boost the damage of claw type attacks by 50%. Costs 3 pg

Stunning Blows: The character can batter enemies, stunning them and preventing them from acting in their next turn. This ability activates randomly on a few physical attacks. The ability will stun a foe 20% of the time. This ability only activates on physical attacks. Costs 3 pg

Death Blow: When attacking, this character adds 25% to their attack damage stat. Costs 3 pg

Grit: If this unit does not have access to any barriers, their tough nature can help them fight through the wounds they receive. This ability will cause this character to take 40% less damage from foes whenever the foe initiates the attack. This ability will also cause this character to halve the activation of pain statuses used against it. Costs: 4 pg (Armor)

Rapid Claws: This unit may attack twice when using claw attacks. However, this will drop the speed and skill of the unit by 5. Costs: 5 pg or GM level Martial Skill

Wind Up: This ability may be learned by characters who reach GM in throw. If this character has not used a throwing move for one turn, on the next turn it will boost the damage of any throwing move by 50%. Costs: 5 pg or GM in Throw.

Character Type: Monster, Undead

Weakness: Weak to taking the bleed, burn, and poison status. Extremely resists stun, flinch, pain, and fear statuses.

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